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Safe Sleep is up to all of us.
Sleep-related deaths are a leading cause of infant death in Baltimore City, and they are overwhelmingly preventable.
Congratulations on your new baby and welcome to parenthood!
You have so much to look forward to. It isn’t always easy, but each day is an opportunity to learn more about your baby and what it means to care for them. The lessons truly never end. One of the
first and most important lessons to keep in mind is safe sleep.
Explore this page to learn more about how you can help your baby sleep safely, hear stories from community members, and access resources available to parents and caregivers.

The ABCDs of safe sleep save lives.
Safe Sleep Basics

Sleeping alongside parents or siblings
is unsafe for babies.

The safest sleeping position for a baby is on their back.

In a crib without pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals.

Don't Smoke
No cigarettes, marijuana, or vaping around babies.
Have Questions?
From co-sleeping and tummy time to sleep sacks and the dangers of smoking, we answer some of the biggest questions about safe sleep. If you don’t see an answer to your question, please contact us at
Safe Sleep Stories
Watch educational clips about safe sleep and read about community members’ experience with safe sleep.

B’more for Healthy Babies ‘SLEEP SAFE’ Campaign
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B'more for Healthy Babies SLEEP SAFE Campaign from Dads
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B'more for Healthy Babies SLEEP SAFE Campaign from Caretakers
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U.S.A. Maternal/Child Health: Baltimore B'more for Healthy Babies - Safe Sleep PSA (Spanish)
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Support & Resources
The ABCDs of safe sleep may be easy to remember, but they aren’t always easy to practice. If you need help creating a safe sleep environment or just need someone to talk to, turn to these resources any time, day or night.
Frequently Asked Questions
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