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Pregnancy Support

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Whether you're excited about the baby or you're still wrapping your mind around it, pregnancy can be intense. Having someone by your side during these next few months can make your life a little easier and have big benefits for you and your baby’s health.


We have helped thousands of Baltimore's birthing families have the best pregnancy possible.

On this page you’ll learn more about

programs and services for pregnant

women and how to sign up for them. 

Programs and Services

Programs and Services

HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM) can connect you to all of these programs and services. With just one call, you can learn about what’s available and what might be right for you. 


If you have Medicaid, your doctor will automatically send your referral form to HCAM at your first prenatal visit. Then someone from HCAM will call you to discuss all your options. When you get the call, you can decide if you want to sign up. All services are voluntary.


If you want to sign up for a program right away, or you need help finding prenatal health care, complete the Care Coordination Self-Referral Form or call HCAM at 410-649-0500.

Getting Connected

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I was stressed during my pregnancy. It was a relief when I could talk to my home visitor about it.

Home visiting is a free program that will match you with a nurse, social worker, or educator who will meet with you on a regular basis. Your home visitor can help you manage any health concerns, reduce stress, make a plan for school, a job, or housing – and much more. We have home visiting for teens, too. 


You will meet your home visitor in your home or at a public place where you feel comfortable.


Home visiting is free and open to any pregnant woman in Baltimore City, no matter what insurance you have. But you will need to qualify to be able to join.

Home Visiting


Baby Basics Moms Clubs are support groups for pregnant women. They’re a great way to meet other expecting parents and find answers to your questions.


There are several different Moms Clubs happening all over the city at health clinics, schools, and other locations (dates/times/locations vary). Each club meets weekly for about two months. There are both English and Spanish Moms Clubs. For updates and news, like Baby Basics Baltimore's Facebook page

Moms Clubs



Having a doula – a birth companion – by your side as you go into labor can help you feel more supported physically and emotionally. Studies show that women who have a doula with them during childbirth have shorter labors and fewer complications. Baltimore Community Doulas offer free services and pro-rated fees based on income to expecting parents in Baltimore City.


Eating well is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby during pregnancy. Many women join the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) supplemental nutrition program to get vouchers for food like fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, milk and eggs, and cereal and bread. WIC can help you plan for healthy meals and think through how you will want to feed your baby, too. There are 10 WIC clinics in Baltimore City.

Women, Infants & Children


My experience with my nurse has been great. She made me feel comfortable and she's so relatable. In addition to our home visits, she provided resources for jobs, baby supplies, events, books, and more!

Pregnancy Support Media Center

USA - Bmore For Healthy Babies: It's All About You and Your Baby

USA - Bmore For Healthy Babies: It's All About You and Your Baby

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Pregnancy Support Resources


HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM)

You can find out about programs and services for expecting parents and sign up for health insurance, too.





Women, Infants & Children Program (WIC)

 WIC provides nutrition support and education for pregnant women and children age 5 and under.





Moms Clubs

Connect with other parents and learn about each stage of pregnancy at one of several Moms Clubs.

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